3 Old Games which Indians still love to play

India is rich in culture and traditions, and games have been an important part since forever. Games are an inherent part of all cultures and are one of the oldest forms of human social interaction. Games are a homogenized expression of play which allows people to go afar into direct physical activity. Games help our brain grow and learn many things like elements of fiction, the uncertainty of outcome, competition, elements of chance and personal enjoyment.

A recent study found that outdoor games are in danger, with children spending less time playing outside and more time playing video games, computer games, gambling games from sources like Satta King, and play stations. And today’s kids almost have forgotten the traditional games of India. We still remember the times we couldn’t wait to come from school so that we could go and play outdoor games with our friends.

Let’s recall a few outdoor games we Indians still love to play:


It is one of the popular games among kids in India during the 90s. There are no restrictions on the number of players that can play this game. It involves a ball and seven pile of flat stones; every stone size should be smaller than the other, which is then stacked on top of each other in decreasing order. One member of the team hits the pile of stones with a ball, and then the team members try to restore the stones, whereas the opposite team members try to hit them with the ball to stop them from rearranging the stones. If the ball touches a person then he is considered as out, and the team continues without the player. This game is also known as satoliya and lagori in some parts of India.

Kho kho

It is another popular game in India. The game consists of two teams. One team sits in a straight line with adjacent members. They face opposite directions in the middle of the court. And the other team is required to chase down and tag the players of the opposite team. The team which takes the quickest time to tag all the players of the opponent team wins.


Kabaddi is an Indian origin game that got almost extinct a few years back. Thanks to the government and people of India that Kabaddi is regaining its popularity. It is a contact sport played between two teams. It mostly involves two teams of seven players each, who have a designated area of their own. Taking turns each team sends a raider into the court of other team to try and touch one of their players. Thus, it will make the touched player out. The other team wrestles and physically tries to stop the raider from returning to his court. Sources like Satta King revealed that people love to place bets on this game too. And this is what makes the game more interesting for many people.

There are lots of health benefits playing these kinds of outdoor games for your children. Hence, parents must motivate their kids to play outside, instead of sitting the whole day in front of a computer.

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